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Kaylen Taylor
Professor Hammett 
English 1302
Reflective Writing
24 April 2024
Word Count: 511
Reflecting on My Writing
        When I began this class I was in the second semester of my senior year of high school. I do not believe myself a good writer as I am a very distracted one. I have learned to focus as well as incorporate a varied vocabulary in this class. During my course, I chose to cover suicide in the agriculture industry. Which remained a constant topic throughout my writings in this class. It is by far the most interesting essay topic I have ever done. I learned a great deal in my Composition class, what it means to enjoy writing, what it means to hate writing, and that just because it has never happened to you, plagiarism is a concern every student should remain cautious of.
        First, my class had two big projects for the duration of the course. The first one had to be about a solution to a specific epidemic. I spent much time deciding on an epidemic but ultimately chose one I had the most experience with and only needed some added research. I was quickly drawn into the complexity and factors that went into the suicide of farmers and the causes. I wanted to write so much about factors contributing that solutions were forgotten. I learned how to incorporate both into my essay. 
        Second, when I began writing my first essay it was easy because I knew what I wanted to write. After I began my second project over what Franz Kafka would think about the suicide of farmers I realized this project would be much tougher. It was a struggle to find quotes that were exactly what I was looking for, I couldn’t find the right words when I felt repetitive, and I struggled to draw connections to the two topics. I learned how to manage my time with this essay as I couldn’t stand to sit down for more than thirty minutes and write. Throughout this struggle, my grandma was a huge help to my writer's block. I tried to vary my writing during the second project to make myself more involved. In the end, it worked but my grandma was not appreciative of me trying to use complicated words.
        Third, I learned that plagiarizing is not always intentional. Every English class covers the basics about how to not plagiarize and I never felt that someone could accidentally do that. That was until my second project. I realized a mishap on my part turned into a plagiarizing subject.  I understood after that how it is possible to when citing sources. Take the time to do it correctly. 
        In conclusion, this class has helped me grow from a high-school student to a student prepared to take on college. I learned how to manage my time wisely, write at a college level, and the importance of your sources in an essay. I don’t think I am a skilled writer but I am on the way to being an efficient one. 

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